Friday, October 17, 2008


The Marque Blog, on CNN's website, had an interesting post today about "mixing politics and entertainment." It was a short little piece about how the CNN elves apparently notice that the media and comedians have been relentless, if not ruthless, about poking fun and satirically imitating this year's election. Todd Leopold, the blogee, expressed that this mixing of "politainment" has "reached absurd levels this election season" ...Has this producer been clueless about his own network?

Obviously he doesn't seem to own up to CNN's own participation in foreplaying the "politainment" band wagon. It wasn't too long ago when CNN unleashed Kyra Phillips to dig up and follow through rumors that Sarah's youngest child Trigg, was actually her 17 year old daughter Bristol's. That tip, by the way, was based on no more than bloggers gossiping. And of course we all know the consequences of that investigation... another CNN field day when reports were found that Palin's daughter Bristol was pregnant with her own child! Even CNN's own reporters (i.e. Bill Bennett) got sick of it.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. most media outlets love to bash their competition but often overlook the fact that they do the exact same thing. so much for fair and balanced journalism....

Anonymous said...

agreed. you go girl.